1950 - Sydney man's photo honor
The photographic Society of America announced in Baltimore today it had awarded an associateship to Keast Burke, of George Street, Sydney. The award was made "in recognition of outstanding ability and his contribution to photography".
Only seven associateships out of 68 have been awarded outside the United States. The Photographic Society of America is the leading organisation of its type in the United States.
Mr. Burke, who is 54, edits the magazine, Australasian Photo Review. He lives in Montah Avenue, Killara.
As a hobby he specialises in pictorial interpretations of nature, such as landscapes. His work has appeared in overseas exhibitions of photographs.
His father, Mr. Walter Burke, was one of the earliest fellows of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain.

1953 - Town's Old Days, and Identities
Mr. A. J. Brigden, of Tallawasg Street, has received an interesting letter on the subject cf Gulgong's old days and identities from Mr. Keast Burke, editor of Phote Re view," Sydney, who seeks further information through Mr. Brigden, about the early days of the town and its then inhabitants.
"We have some details of the Dunmore Lang son", Mr. Burke wrote, "We also have a great deal about gold commissioner T. A. Browne, who came under criticism over his failure to deal with 'frontage' headache His book, 'Miner's Right' was also criticised for unfairness to the miners."
Mr. Burke asked Mr. Brigden if he had any photographs by Tissington or Cam Baker (of Gulgong Photographic Co.). He said he hoped to visit Gulgong on October 7 and 8.

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